
Showing posts from 2011


hari terakhir dlm tahun 2011, jom kita buat refleksi. kita ambil mne yg baek n buang mne yg buruk. secara amnya, life msih lg seperti biasa.  penuh dgn gelak tawa, tangisan, merajuk n segala bagai lg emosi manusia. tahun ini jg tahun mencabar coz ada final exam yg x mungkin dpt lepas tnpa mereka2 di bwh ni. setiap mereka ni ada tugas masing2 yg memerlukan mereka untuk sgt2 bersabar bile brhadapan dgn sy yg otaknye ntah pape. ibu ayah pncbr utama  *ceceh, pdhl ade gnjrn kalau lulus athie tlg bg semangat bile dtg perasaan mls sy.  nk tau cmne die bg semangat?  dia mesti gne umpan ais krim.  haha~ ezad cikgu lds yg sgt garang dgn ank muridnya ni bile sy start men2 bile ulang kaji.  hehe~  maaf cikgu! iqi ni memg respek, cikgu ss.  die nilah yg plg penyabar.  yelah, anak murid dia ni memg sgt2 lemah n otak pun x serasional mne.  munir he dgn die ni, memg xkn sunyi meja bl...

# 5

By the time I'd grown up, I naturally supposed that I'd be grown up. Eve Babitz i used to think like the quote above, but now that i'm a teenager. rsenya mcm x betul quotation tu. just because sometimes i can be like a child doesn't mean i can't be mature. but mebi people doesn't sees it. i'd asked many people around on how to become mature. they said, u can't be matured juz because u want it. ur maturity will come when you ready.. hrm, i wonder when mine will come??


nak dijadikan cerita, mse sy tgh mencari novel yg jtuh bwh katil, terjumpalh balik brg2 mse sek men, nostalgia seyh.. jumpe diari dr mse form 1 - 4, pnuh dgn coretan rse x puas hati, gembira, crush dgn org itu inilh. pndek kate, sume nk ditulis. hahaha~ jumpe jgk note2 kecik dr org katil sblh minx kjut awl pg esok, minx tlg hntr baju ke dobi, hadiah2 birthday, sumpah, mse tgh sorted everything out, teringat semua memori2 kita sume, buat bising kt blkg dorm, every weekend,  bgn g breakfast kt dm sama2, tengahari,  lepak n kongsi mknan yg either parent bwk / beli from angsana brgduh psl mamat korea mana plg comel ( aduh, zaman innocent) haha~ to,  pah yg sgt comel, botox, cucuku yg genius, karen, kembar nama @ cicitku yg rjin melayan sy, ziha, si genius yg sgt blur, mimi, yg gilakn hee chul, muni, yg sgt pndai mengajuk org gjon, yg bile kami ( sy, karen, botox, sabrina, julie gaduh bout mamat korea) akn ckp, ...

# 4

Hidup ini pelik, dan bahagia itu subjektif. Sesetengah orang mentafsirkan bahagia letaknya pada cinta. Sesetengah pula bahagia itu adalah kemuncak kerjaya. Sesetengahnya pada membahagiakan keluarga. Hati, sebenarnya apa yang kau mahu? Hati, sebenarnya masihkah engkau dihambat rindu? Sehiris bulan, Hafizah Iszahanid, Jemari Seni, 2011

nothing but the truth~

One question. One chance. One honest answer. Before 2011 ends, you can ask me any ONE question and i'll answer it truthfully, no catch. ONLY one question. (Inbox me if possible if it's a sensitive ques)  Ganeetha Siva Rajah  sj je~  teringin nk tgk soalan ape yg org akn kasi pd sy if adelah =) 

just a thought~

if i decided to leave you with a very good reason that i could not tell you, will you understand and accept it? 


=D enough said 

hang out~

chill out kt midvalley, tujuan = nk jumpe adik je  tp still, rsa terkilan itu ade  coz x dpt jumpe walid.. sory walid... tunggu along ade keta sndiri, t kita g jln sesuka hati ye!! hahaha~ bila dh berjumpa,  of cozlah akn ade sesi bergosip wajib!! sambil brjln, mulut brcerita je  then decide untuk tgk movie  BREAKING DAWN PART 1!!!! nseb bek dpt tgk lg.. wow, bella memg cantik~ jacob n edward?  x pyhlh, sentiasa HANDSOME  hahahaha~  adik, next year teman along tgk part 2 plak ye!!!

# 3

Family isn't about whose blood you have.  It's about who you care about.  Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Ike's Wee Wee, 1998

new guy

nama dia: kasyah hahaha, x delah new sgt pun.. dh setahun lebih sy knal mamat ni tp memandangkn sy jrg balik johor, so dh lme x jumpe die =) ooooohhhh, bile dh jumpe... alahai,kacaknya awakkkkk!! terpesona saya~ pdhl cuzin. hahahahha~~

mengisi msa cuti

oh ye,  lupe nk cerita actually,  dh 3 minggu sy buat kelas tuisyen pengalaman yg sgt colourful believe me, you can change your moods in just mere 5 minutes. sekejap senyum then nk marah.. but then,  bile tgk dieorg buat exercises,  rse mcm "ei, rajinnye dan comelnya korang!!!!" pdhal, smbil buat exercises boleh lg tnye soalan @ bg komen  dibwh, sy sertakan cth soalan n jwpn yg diberi  teacher, bnyknye exercise!!!  mestilah, biar awk pndai. alah, nape bnyk sgt slh sy??? teacher terangkn, awk g men buat pe? teacher, mcm mne nk jwb math ni?? ai, nape tnye teacher? glah tnye cikgu math awk teacher, pe fb teacher??? x nk bgtau. =P   teacher, ade bf? tetttttt, soalan x dilyn, dh2, g buat keje yg teacher kasi  okay,dieorg sgt mischievious, sgt hyperaktif n grumble a lot but they did their exercises  n  made me smile a lot =)  p/s: bile teacher naek u blek, tea...

# 2

sumber so live your life meaningfully!


okayyyy, sy rindu kalian, nk hangout dgn korg.. bergosip... cepat pulang, okay??? sy tunggu kalian, adik, erin n iqa =)

# 1

"I'm not really giving you away. I'm merely allowing him the chance to love you as rest of us do..."  Leo Hathaway, "Love in the afternoon" by Lisa Kleypas i think this is appropriate to convey what it feels inside your heart when you have to let go the person you love....

puding karamel

ibu buat puding karamel, SEDAP!!!! muahahaha~ next time, buat lagi. alah, x delh susah or ambik masa yg lama pun.. bahan2 pun jenis yg memg ada kt dapur. cth: telur, gula, pengukus  ha, if nk try buat,  sila klik link ini resepi oleh Cik Daleela   silalah~

1432 -> 1433 H

hari ni bermula hari baru dan tahun baru islam.. semoga tahun baru (1233 H) ni dipenuhi kebaikan!! insyaAllah =)  


okay, i'm declaring that i'm officially bored..   kalau bukak fb, rata2 status kwn psl bosan... nmpk x, betapa wabak bosan tlh melanda kami ini.. yelah,  sblm ni,  bgn pg, ade kelas smpai ptg.. then bru dpt rht sblh ptg n mlm (tu pun if x de homeworklh) tp ni, dr bukak mata smpai tutup balik, mcm dh trlebih rehat.. pnat kot bkn pnat buat kerja, tp pnat asyik berehat... =.=" sesiapa, tlg bagi cdgn!!!!!  please, before i die of boredom..


okay, i knoe i'm not supposed to gloat but thennn, since 1 malaysia pun tgh gloating, i juz wanna yell, MALAYSIA MENANG 5 - 4!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~  ok, dh.  suara dh hilang gara - gara menjerit spnjg game tgh berlangsung.. memg gamat r rumah. hahaha~  rugi x rakam  oh ye,  TAHNIAH PEMAIN MALAYSIA, BANGGA DENGAN KAMU!!

A Night to Remember

alhamdulillah, prom night " A Night to Remember" cohort 2 dh selesai, semua ajk dh boleh tarik nafas lega, no more serabut kepala memikirkn cr nk selesaikn mslh.. sgt happening td..  memang seronok.. hahaha =) 


alhamdulillah, paper paling berbahaya dh selesai, bersyukur yg amat coz dpt jwb, walau x confident.. hahaha~  dengan ini,  saya mengiytiharkan bahawa sem 3 telah berakhir!!!  weeeeeeee~  cuti selama 1 bln  n akn berjumpa semula tahun hdpn. yeahhhh~  to friends, thanx for staying beside me all this 3 sems, for helping me with my problems, n making me smile. to lecturers, thanx  for your guidances, for your knowledges, n  for your love.. for my famili kt ipik, thanx for everything..  no word can described what we had been through  I love you all!!!


x mampu nk ckp ape lg dh,  but sy bersyukur coz masih mampu keluarkn idea walau x sederas selalu. haha (T.T) esok bkl berjumpe dgn paper paling berbahaya... harap mampu jwb.. InsyaAllah~ optismis itu penting!!


2 paper dh lepas.. alhamdulillah, boleh buat. after diz, killer paper menanti. *tarik nafas pnjg usaha jom!!!!


alhamdulillah, LDS dh berlalu.. dpt buat walau ada rasa sangsi dgn jwpn. tawakkal shjlh coz dh buat yg terbaek. esok paper LDV semoga mampu jwb dgn cemerlang insyaAllah~


esok akn bermula minggu peperiksaan, paper yg akn diambil adalh LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION, LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT,  ENGLISH STUDIES,  SOCIAL STUDIES, hopefully dpt jwb dgn mudah, insyaAllah so, kpd anda semua, sy nk minx maap kalau ada buat salah baik secara face 2 face mahupun tidak. minx didoakan kejayaan sy dan x perlu repeat paper (uh,scary thought!!) n  semoga anda juga berjaya!!  (jikalau anda juga akn mengambil pepriksaan)   lwk examination ( by ayah): sy: aiseh, paper ES n SS ptglh. dh r killer subject dua2 ni. ishhhh~ ayh: eleh, i've never died becoz of those subject . hahahaha~ sy: =.='


buat awak, sy sygkn awk dan akn sentiasa sokong awk.. itu janji sy pd awkkn? tp dlm hal ni, sy x mampu nk berdiam diri... sy x phm kenapa awk nk terima dia kembali bkn diakh  yg putuskn segalanya? bkn diakh yg dh sakiti hati awk dan keluarga? bkn diakh yg buat awk menangis setiap kali awk teringtkn dia? jadi kenapa awk nk terima dia lg??? sy rse awk deserve someone else yg lebih baek walau bkn sekarang, tp mse awk bgtau sy, si dia minx awk kembali pd dia, dlm hati sy menjerit, " dia TIPU", sy nk halang awk tp sy rse x layak.. sy hanye mampu senyum dan brkata, "trpulanglh,keputusn d tgn awk." harapan sy, awk xkn menangis lg.=(

walid, Nash Mahmod~

SELAMAT HARI LAHIR, WALID!! amboilah! lmbt sungguh walid nk join along dlm group 19 ni. hahaha~  juz kidding. doa along, semoga walid dpt apa yg walid inginkn, dan  semoga setiap langkahmu diiringi keberkatan Allah~ aminnnn~


kepada semua,  SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA!!! njoylah  tp  exam jgn lupe! hahahaha~ (peringatan pd diri) p/s:  ucapan aidiladha terbaekkk prnah lihat ->   Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Adha...moga pengorbanan sahabat dirahmati Allah ikhlas dari Iqi dan Isteri.... =p  dgn smash terbaekkkk jgk ->  Sapelah yang MALANG gila jadi isteri kau nie? =.="  hahaha~ 


i'm sorry  n u do know sy syg awakkn???

x phmmm

seriusly x phm  y do u need to get mad? we were not doing anything, it's just a secret between girls.  biasalh bdk perempuan nk kongsi something without their guys knowing, perlu ke nk marah????  jelaskan, please????

wordless wednesday



saya rindu kamu, mr.i =)


yeah,  shopping like mad... x delah,  juz jln2 with family smbil usha dresses n heels brsame kmbr x seiras ni, tetibe trnmpk 1 dress htm.. teringt x lme lg ade majlis penting, so belilh dgn 50% x rela hati,k? y? coz i nvr wear short dress =.=' i mean dress as in org buat g dinner or prom tulh.. it's too much of a hassle i'm more to tshirt / blouse/jeans n sneaker girl.  but xknlh nk g majlis penting tue dgn pkai jean n blouse jekn? memg melanggar protokol tu n kemungkinan untuk diketuk itu amatlh tinggi. hahaha~


starting today, its a week of holiday~ n the kid in me yelled, YEAH!!! haha~ x delh, cuti ni pnuh dgn agenda yg satu: REVISION for da coming exam!! so, guys n girls please pray for my success. to my family both at college n home, ini peringatan awl, maafkn sy sgt2!!  n please brthn dgn karenah sy d saat yg kritikal ini. huh~ p/s: pasti trip ke tasik untuk membeli aiskrim akn menjadi semakin kerap~

derma darah!!!

akhirnya dpt jgk derma drh.. haha~ ingt x,  b4 ni x dpt drma drh,  klik ini kalo mahu tau so dh dpt derma ni, hepilah sy ~ kali ni sy make sure sy tdo cukup,mkn nasi bnyk2 tp b4 dpt derma tu, brt bdn sy menjadi 1 prkara yg menimbulkn kebimbangan yessss, berat bdn. dr - dr yg bertugas kt situ sume concern dgn sy, depa sume tnye, adik, sure nk derma nie? coz berat adik borderline.  min brt bdn untuk mnderma: 45kg n brt sy: 45.5kg, sy pun dgn brsemangatnye (chewahhh) brkata, ya!!!  haha~ alhamdulillah, my blood donation went well.. so insyaAllah, akn diteruskn niat untuk mnderma drh pd msa hdpn, kpd yg x prnah mnderma, pergilah kt pusat darah negara, percayalah, x sakit pun =) 


tu je nk kate.  hahahahaha~  p/s: thanx Syahmi coz pnjmkn lappy.hahahaha~ =)

deepavali nite

sgt seronok!!! kalau sblm ni, tgk tv now nie, live from kolej walau xdelh mcm dlm tv tu. still, kudos to my indian frens yg sgt2 brpenat lelah to make this nite happened not only that, sgt trkejut  coz mdm mohny menyanyi  n  she actually have a very good voice sy BUKAN nk mengampu ye!! but it's da truth, seriously! rugi mereka yg trlepas hahaha~


yeah, exam dh around the corner maka bermulalah azam bru dlm diri  jom mule study~ one word(for myself) YELAH TU!!!  hahaha~ tahu je diri ini mls bljr, jadi sy pun mengajak kembar untuk study sesama.. doakn sy mampu bljr berterusan  dannnnnn yg paling penting:  LULUS EXAM DGN POINTER 4.0!! go, cik Anis!!! Amin~~  p/s: dlm hati tertanye, mampukh aku?

Love you too~

hari ni, sy rindukn adik sy, maka, sy pun usahakan mencari blog die.. yelah,  nk on9 pun, sure2 mse x sme.. n die pun masih nk suaikn die kt sne, so, at least dgn blog die, leh jgk tau citer2 trbru dia d sana.. tp... terpaku tgk post ini tetibe rse rindu sgt... adik, kakak rindu kau!!!

misi rahsia

SELAMAT HARI LAHIR Iqi!!!! ngeh~  memg seronok dpt buat surprise party.. tp memg pnat... but sepenat-penat sy, perancang utama @ Boo lah yg paling penat, nak pk mcm mne nk bwk belon, pinggan, cwn, kek, pizza naseb baek dpt.. haha~ dan kepada 8 nama d bwh, boo, bella, wanie , k. jah, ezad  n athie  thanx bnyk2 coz menjayakan surprise party td. oh ye, thanx to ca'el coz pnjmkn moto =) to birthday boy, selamat hari lahir, semoga apa yg kamu mahukn menjadi kenyataan n  rahmat Allah bersama kamu!!

menghantar dengan senyuman

starting today, our family would not be complete for another 5 years. well, of course, that would be until adik balik semula ke rumah for good. i mean, it's not that she's leaving us forever, or x kn balik ke rumah mse cuti or rye(ibu for sure akn make sure die balik) she's just pursuing her heart desire @ egypt, n Allah's willing, she's going to come back n make us proud.. so adik, till then, aku control  rumah hehehe~ still, ko tetap 2nd in command aku =)

terima kasih~

aku tau aku rebellious,  aku tau aku x sebaik adik aku, dan aku tau now aku duduk kl,  juz dgr word kau: "mentang-mentanglah sekarang duduk KL" itu x bermaksud aku x SAYANG adik aku smpai aku x nk balik kg, tolong majlis die. x bermaksud aku x sakit hati dgr komen kau, x bermaksud aku x terasa hati kerana komen kau smpaikn aku menangis smpai tertido kerana komen budiman anda itu. kalau boleh, dh lama aku tingglkn tmpt ni, dh lama aku balik, tolong majlis adik aku, kalau x, masakan aku sanggup korbankan 4 jam aku tu untuk balik ke rumah, hantar barang yang adik aku pesan, die nak bg pd ustaz die b4 die fly, sedangkan sebelum ni, die kata  "x pelah,kakak... x pyh pos." AKU SPENT MY FREAKING 2 HOUR BALIK RUMAH KOSONG (coz family x de kt rumah pun)   AND MY OTHER FREAKING 2 HOUR BALIK KL SEMULA,  DALAM HUJAN  BECOZ OF HER.  oh thanx , atas komen anda. memg air mata aku murah kerana kamu~  p/s: sila abaikan penggunaan kata ganti diri "aku". ...


ambik kesempatan untuk berjalan-jalan berseorangan hari ni, yes, alone. sj je~ bkn ape, x nk nyusahkn syg sy,  since masing2 bnyk assignment, lgpun, taking alone time is better untuk hadapi masa susah after this. n yes,  my family members n my syg knew i'm going out alone hehe~  x g mne2 pun, just ambik lrt to masjid jamek, brjln kaki smpai ke sogo,  then, berjalan kaki sehingga sesat seriusly, x tau nme tmpt tu, nmpknye kne xplore kl ni lg luckily dpt jumpe balik stesen lrt, otherwise, mungkin sy dh hilg or trpaksa call inforcement untuk pick sy. ok, kini sy kembali dgn semangat bru!!!

assignment plg menarik

yup2, seperti tjuk post, assignment plg menarik spnjg 1 1/2 thn d maktab jatuh kpd....... SOCIAL STUDIES!!!!!  *clap,clap "mengapa?!? " ,anda bertanya.  kerana assignment ini memerlukan kami untuk berlakon perghhhh, sejam hanya mampu menghasilkan beberapa shoot yg berkualiti, mau tau nape? coz bnyk gelak. teammate sy sume funny2 belake (athie, iqi, my syg n michelle) so, memg setiap shoot akn perlu buat dlm 3 / 4 kali ngeh~ bru phm pnat lelah menjadi plakon.. *chewahhh,bajet haha~ but now still dlm proses editting.. kalau dh siap,  sy akn post.. t tingglknlh komen. daaa~  oh, btw SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA!!!

bermain d pantai

zahin n athie ikut sy balik ke rumah sempena kenduri kesyukuran for my sis, ajak rmai lg but sume pun ade komitmen laen.. nvr mind.. there's still time,right?!? sgt seronok melihat zahin n athie dtg umah.. zahin dgn gelagat "x prnah jumpe" meaning: ade bnyk bnde yg die x prnh nmpk tp nmpk otw to my house. e.g: bas mini  bks minyak gramaphone  nasi ambeng (mknan org jawa yg mampu mengenyangkn 4 org dlm 1 mase)  athie plak, msih obses dgn lembu.. ha, still lg x dpt drive kete.. hishhhh =.=' bilelh bru dpt drive????


sy kecik hati dgn awk. seriously kecik hati. tp x pelah, sy x marah. slh sy jgk bcoz x dgr betul2 arahan awak.


to my fellow gregs, HAPPY BATCH DAY!!! gud luck untuk korg, walau di mana shj korg berada, baek dlm or luar negara. kalau exam tu, aku juz dpt wish break both legs, dh x de wat banner kaler2 n then ikat kt dinding blok mcm mse kt stf tu.. lgpun, aku tau korg nie genius2 belaka.... hehe =)  yg penting, aku syg korg sume yg seramai 144 org ni ketat2,tahu!


sgt x seronok bile beraye dlm keadaan demam.... tp alhamdulillah, hari ni dh sihat sepenuhnya..  thanx untuk mereka yg mengambil berat syg kalian~ mmmuahhhh!!


selamat hari raye semua, minx maaf zahir n batin semua salah n silap.. if ade diantara  kata - kata, gurauan, n tulisan  yg menyinggung hati sesiape... maafkanlah ye.. sy manusia khilaf~ n sy pun maafkn awak juga. hehe =)  papepun, selamat mengumpul duit raye!  p/s: dlm hati tgh bersemangat, dpt lg ke duit rye?

rumah atuk~

weee~ sy dh smpai rumah atuk.. naek bus kul 10 dgn walid.. smpai kul 2.45 pm~ 4h 45 min.. agak bgus  coz kdg2 lmbt smpai yg bestnye, bus hntr smpai rumah~ *jerk kening hehe~ dptlh jumpe anak2 sedare terchenta, adam, ameer n dania. adam n ameer ni siblings, dania plak lone ranger, adam n dania sme umur with fawwaz (my 4 yr old lil bro) ameer, i think around 3?  x surelah... tpkan mulut x pdn dgn kecik, aduhai,  jenuh menjwb soalan... "cik, tok uda bile smpai?" "acik, acik balik nek ape?" dan sebagainye... tp seronoklah... coz sy jrg dpt balik johor.. bnyk terlepas peluang tgk dieorg membesar (sob-sob) so, dh dpt peluang ni.. jgn lepaskn.. oklah, tu je nk cite... kite tamatkan entry di sini coz adam dh tnye.. " acik, acik tgh buat ape tu? " hahaha~  p/s: tok uda is my ayah. die ske ayah coz ayh plg rajin lyn die.takut dgn ayh jgk coz die slalu nmpk ayh mrh kami adik-beradik (bile kami buat slh n excluding me, ye)


do u know what's best bout today? today's the last day of kuliah, n  esok cuti!!! hooyeahhhh!! tp since sy balik esok, menaiki bas, maka sy mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengenjoykan diri~ hahaha.. x delah, sy hntr kembar x seiras sy ke kl sentral, then g tgk movie, conan the barbarian, yg hanye membuatkn sy ngantuk, tp  sy berjaya menghabeskn cerita tu.. x mcm ade org tu, yg g tdo.. ceh~ ape punye teman.. x pe, sy phm... bile dlm kwsn aircond, kan seronok dpt tdo~ hahaha~  to mr.i, thanx for today~ =D

day 30

 three good things that have happened in the past 30 days  i learn to love myself, i found things that makes me laugh n  i learn to be as optimistic as i can  simple but valuable lesson~

day 29

Something you could never get tired of doing i would never get tired of:  breathing (paaling penting) reading books, talking ( menceceh actually) kacau orang, pusing kg naek moto, bwk moto laju2 sakat adik, dancing n eating!

day 28

In this past month, what have you learned? sy belajar mengenal diri, (ceceh, gaye mcm x prnh knal diri je) dan org yg knal tp x pham tntg diri sy, dpt pham sy. manakala, untuk org yg bru nk knal,dh x trkjut dh. coz die dh pham dh sket sebnyk perangai sy. hehehe =)

day 27

What kind of person attracts you?  agak susah nk jwb but i'll try, slalunya sume kind of person attracts sy  becoz laen2 org laen ragm, betul x? but yg sy perasan  selalunya the funny ones and sbr attracts me the most why? the funny ones = i like to laugh the sbr ones = i'm a bit gila2. haha~ but i still think sume pun attract me =D

day 26

A photo of somewhere you want to go   Madinah Makkah      bilakah? actually bnyk tmpt nk g  or in other words, sy nk melancong ke seluruh dunia.. tp lebih ske kalau dpt pergi sekeluarga ke 2 tmpt trsebut..

day 25

Who are you? sy seorg gadis tomboy, yg sgt syg pd keluarga n kwn, sgt senang 'sentap', tp senang cool down jg, sgt suka buat bising, tp boleh senyap spt tikus jg, sgt suka kacau org, tp lebih sering dikacau, gilakan ais - krim bila tension, dapat novel, x kn letak bwh smpai dh hbes mempunyai mulut yg agak berbahaya bila dlm keadaan marah~

day 24

A photo of something that means a lot to you   it's a picture of 8 people who meant a lot to me. 7 is family, 1 is someone who entered the family with me =) *winkwink


haha~  since kita memang dh jarang bercakap, then i'll just post it here. sayarindudekatawak~ 

day 23

15 facts about you.  love to laugh Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. Bob Newhart (1929 - ) clumsy yup, boleh kira berapa kali dlm seminggu nyaris dilanggar, terjatuh n terlanggar love music  love water air itu menenangkan~ but i dun like drowning kuat risau even for da smallest things suka jalan - jalan pusing kg waktu ptg. memang seronok! suka kacau orang tp lebih slalu dikacau org. haha~ kuat mengomel sorang - sorang  dh selalu sgt.. smpai org ingt sy gila (i'm not!!) suke perhati orang  seronok tau tgk gelagat org. try it, u'll see. rapat dgn ayah  yeah, ayah sporting~ suke cari gaduh dgn adik coz it's our way of bonding~ rebellious if i think the cause is worth my rebellious side.

day 22

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.  hurm, a letter? boleh x recently as in 4 yrs ago?  coz that's the latest major hurt.. haha~ tau dh trlalu lme pendam, so better ambik chance untuk luahkn, right? okay! here it is, dear awak, awk tahu x awk dh hurt sy? sy x taulah ape silap sy smpai awk minx clash.  awk phm x sy syg awk?  mebi not coz senangnye awk cr penggantikn?  x smpai sebulan pun.  kalau ikut hati sy, rase mcm nkkkk je ( fill in ape2 je jenis violence) kt awk,  tp rse mcm x berbaloi pulak.  haha~  tp thanx for da memory.  n thanx for da hurts too  coz sy dh jd kuat brbanding 4 tahun dulu.  =)  p/s: my  syg is much more better than u. =D from,  sy

day 21

A photo of something that makes you happy  foodS book S okay,  those things can make me happy.   p/s: please take notice of the S. thanx

ice - cream craving

today sy teringin sgt nk mkn ice - cream. maka, slps berbuka, sy n kwn g mymart untuk beli ice - cream.   sgt sedap!!  smbil2 mkn tu, tgk movie skali. chad michael murray is hot~ huhuhu~ memang habes sume sy n athie hbeskn berdua.. no more ice -cream (for now) haha~

day 20

The meaning behind your blog name  meaning behind blog name? bicara bdk kecik hurm, mungkin becoz i feel that masih ade seorg bdk kecik dlm diri ni walau dh bsr pnjg kot. haha~ There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes. Doctor Who

day 19

Your reflection in the mirror  uh? x phm soalan ni. but i guess it means what i see in the mirror?!? i think bile tgk mirror, wat i see is  a girl yg ske senyum bile tgk org len senyum, a girl yg x hirau sekeliling bile bace buku novel, a girl yg sgt nakal, ske usik org, n  a girl yg sgt tomboy, but at the same time, a girl yg x ske dimarah org (coz die cpt sentap. haha~) a girl yg pdnya, definisi kwn n syg itu sgt luas n  once die accept u as kwn / family, then it's forever uh, tu je kot.. daa~


Cuando Me Enamoro Cuando me enamoro A veces desespero cuando me enamoro Cuando menos me lo espero me enamoro Se detiene el tiempo Me viene el alma al cuerpo Sonrio, cuando me enamoro sumber

day 18

5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex  ntahlah,  bnyk sgt rsenye smpai x dpt tulis.  hahaha~  nolah, juz kidding.. x nk tulis kt sini coz sy rse sy pun selalu irritate org.. so, kalau kita x nk org irritate dgn kita, kita x leh irritate org. betul x?

day 17

How you hope your future will be like my future?  i hope i can become:  a good muslim  anak yg membanggakn famili guru yg rapat dgn murid2 kwn yg baek pendek kate, sy mahu segala yg terbaek untuk hidup sy so,  in order untuk achieve that i need to work hard.  insyaAllah!!

cowboys n aliens

hangout with athie @ viva pilih viva coz x prnh smpai lg.. at first, saja2 je nk xplore  bile dh smpai,  tringt viva ade MBo, so decide nk tgk movie.. after a lengthy discussion ( ade 2 movie yg agk menarik prhatian kami) kami decide on movie brtajuk spt di atas.. as usual,  bile genre thriller, wajiblh ade part mengejutkn, n  bile ade part mengejutkn, pasti suare sy pun keluar sme.  naseb baeklh kami duduk jauh2 y? coz, cinema tu memg kosong boleh kira dgn jari brape rmai penonton dtg tgk movie tu, so, kami decide to split up... haha~ bljr tgk cite mengejutkn sndiri2   (yelh, smpai bile nk nyorok blkg org jekn?) conclusion? 6 / 10 next time g viva jelah kalau nk tgk movie... sgt dkt~  =D

day 16

Your view on homosexuality  i dun know mcm mne nk view this. i mean people boleh slh phm with words. n i'm hoping that x de sape yg slh phm with mine. secara honestly, sy x de mslh dgn homosexual people. i can still accept them as my friends. they r still human, right? however, i will set my limits... 

day 15

Something you don’t leave the house without.  that would be just 3 things:  my phones my wallet  yup2, x retilh nk bwk handbag segala bagai. bkn x prnah bwk  tp dh trauma since last time bwk handbag, dompetku dicopet org. so, lebih suke letak sume dlm poket..

day 14

A TV show you’re currently addicted to  none becoz dh lme x tgk tv haha~ betul!! x cye sudah~

day 13

Your views on drugs and alcohol sy x mempunyai opinion yg baek about both,  but then, spe ske dgn 2 bnde ni.. drugs: bile ianya untuk kebaikan, then yes. if not: x pyhlh, menyusahkn hidup je.. same goes to alcohol. bnde ni juz akn musnhkn ur life n others too. so, jgn dkt2 or even trfikir pun nk dkt dgn 2 bnde ni!!

day 12

Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.    hurm, not gonna talk bout this... it's private~ =P

day 11

ok, since challenge 10 hari tu dh hbes, sy akn meneruskn pula dgn 30 days challenge What’s in your makeup bag?  uhh....... i dun hv a makeup bag.. seriously!! i dun do makeup but i'm learning.. yelah, umur dh 19  n  ibu dh bising.. bilelah kau nk jd perempuan ni?  ehem, i'm a girl but.... a tomboyish girl n  proud to be a tomboyish girl. haha~ =D

day 10

One confession  I love you kerana Allah and insyaAllah will always love you even if i didn't see you again after this~ A photo of my favorite place to eat:   my house 

day 9

Two smileys that describe your life right now :  my families  books  (yes, i'm a bookworm~) A photo of the item you last purchased:  midnight snack je

day 8

Three turn ons :   foods (dh sy memg suke mkn,nk wat cmne)  novels (yup2)  that someone special =D A song to match your mood:  right now?  it would be "haven't met you yet" by Michael Buble.  since lagu ni quite rancak, it means i'm in a good mood =D

day 7

Four turn offs  :  food habis x de novel untuk dibaca  org buat sy marah di kala sy sdg gembira    ntahlah~ rase mcm bnyk.. but tetiba otak blank.. biarlah~ Your dream wedding ntah~ haha~ perjalanan hidup masih lg pnjg n impian sy masih bnyk yg x tercapai lg.. better pk bnde laen~

day 6

Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever) :  this quite hard becoz sume pun mean a lot to me..  but it would be my family and him~ A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet:   

1st ramadhan

subject: social studies (ss) with mr m~ =D which mean boleh lepak2.. haha~ sahur x bgn langsung, jenuh ain (roomate) kejut..  haha~  sy x kn bgn melainkn dikejut gne kaki.. memang liat, sejak kecik lg.. sbb tu, ibu akn tnye dulu nk sahur ke x.. n selalunya,  X.  hehehe~  this is the 7th yr puasa without my family beside me, well, dieorg semua kt pontian, celebrating 1 ramadhan with mak tok.. (T.T) nak balik.... x dpt balik bcoz of forum.. untunglh org yg dpt balik.... x pelh, next week sy nk balik! by hook or by crook, i dun care!  go Anis!!!!

day 5

Six things you wish you'd never done:  x de maknenye since sume dh buatkn.. my dad selalu pesan, 'start moving forward with occasional glimpse to the past. y occasional glimpse? so that you learn the mistakes from the past n will not do it while moving forward.' How important you think education is? verylah important. since i come from a family where both my parents r teachers, so of courselah i think education is important. but it's not only formal education je. informal pun penting. example: bljr msk dgn ibu, menjahit or tukar tyr moto. tu pun education jgk. kalau x de education, u can't survive dlm dunia ni. ni juz my opinionlh.

dedication ~

to my sweethearts ,   ni khas untuk kamu =D   dgn ucapn: thanx  tetap stick mcm glue kt sblh sy, despite my hyperactive personality sayang kamu~ to iqa n erin, walau x dpt jumpe, aku heart korang **** much..   

day 4

Seven things that cross your mind a lot :  7. can i kill myself? ( yup, horror, but i do think about it a lot) 6.  how's my life in years to come? 5. how will i improve tomorrow? 4. did i do anything wrong today to someone? 3. will i become a good teacher? 2. am i a good daughter n friends? 1. i want to be a better muslim. ameen~ Your favorite photograph of your best friend:  x de yg latest since dh 6 months kiteorg x bersua muka..

day 3

Eight ways to win your heart: 8. novels since i like to read.. 7. foods since i like to eat =D 6. that cute smiles of yours seeing you smiles,make me smiles~ 5. funny coz i like funny people 4. gila2  senang ngam~ but then kalau brbeza pun ok jgkkn? 3. rajin melayan karenah sy~  since sometimes, i hv an attitude like a kid, one hv to be very patient with me. n to be frank, not everybody cn undrstand me n when they see me acting like a kid, they call me 'gedix'  although i would LIKE to CLARIFY that THAT'S THE WAY I AM n given time, i will change n be mature. 2. accept me as i am same reason like above~ 1. juz be yourself~ don't lie. juz tell me the truths becoz for me, it hurts me MUCH more when i find out later n from others. n insyaAllah, usually i like people becoz of who u r n not becoz of the looks.  ingin sy stress out di sini bahawa no 1 - 5 adelh penting ~ Your idea of the perfect first date:...