
Showing posts from July, 2011

day 5

Six things you wish you'd never done:  x de maknenye since sume dh buatkn.. my dad selalu pesan, 'start moving forward with occasional glimpse to the past. y occasional glimpse? so that you learn the mistakes from the past n will not do it while moving forward.' How important you think education is? verylah important. since i come from a family where both my parents r teachers, so of courselah i think education is important. but it's not only formal education je. informal pun penting. example: bljr msk dgn ibu, menjahit or tukar tyr moto. tu pun education jgk. kalau x de education, u can't survive dlm dunia ni. ni juz my opinionlh.

dedication ~

to my sweethearts ,   ni khas untuk kamu =D   dgn ucapn: thanx  tetap stick mcm glue kt sblh sy, despite my hyperactive personality sayang kamu~ to iqa n erin, walau x dpt jumpe, aku heart korang **** much..   

day 4

Seven things that cross your mind a lot :  7. can i kill myself? ( yup, horror, but i do think about it a lot) 6.  how's my life in years to come? 5. how will i improve tomorrow? 4. did i do anything wrong today to someone? 3. will i become a good teacher? 2. am i a good daughter n friends? 1. i want to be a better muslim. ameen~ Your favorite photograph of your best friend:  x de yg latest since dh 6 months kiteorg x bersua muka..

day 3

Eight ways to win your heart: 8. novels since i like to read.. 7. foods since i like to eat =D 6. that cute smiles of yours seeing you smiles,make me smiles~ 5. funny coz i like funny people 4. gila2  senang ngam~ but then kalau brbeza pun ok jgkkn? 3. rajin melayan karenah sy~  since sometimes, i hv an attitude like a kid, one hv to be very patient with me. n to be frank, not everybody cn undrstand me n when they see me acting like a kid, they call me 'gedix'  although i would LIKE to CLARIFY that THAT'S THE WAY I AM n given time, i will change n be mature. 2. accept me as i am same reason like above~ 1. juz be yourself~ don't lie. juz tell me the truths becoz for me, it hurts me MUCH more when i find out later n from others. n insyaAllah, usually i like people becoz of who u r n not becoz of the looks.  ingin sy stress out di sini bahawa no 1 - 5 adelh penting ~ Your idea of the perfect first date:...

day 2

Nine things about yourself :  9. easily shock  ha, ni sape yg nk try, either kne pelempang or kne pujuk sy stop nanges. dua2 ni auto mode 8. very book freak belikan sy novel n i'll be finishing it in 1 day. which mean i read lots of books in a year. rekod: 10 books in 2 days.. prkara ini x berlaku pd text book. haha~  7. mempunyai suara bdk kecik?!? x dpt dipastikn kebenarannya tp bnyk kali org komen:  kenapa suara kau mcm bdk 5 tahun? =.='  6. suka kumpul keluarga angkat serius, hatta dlm bas pun dh boleh dpt abg angkt, true story.. 5. senang blur?  bile dgr boys bercerita(which is always during dinner), dlm mse 5 minit, sy akn blur.kalau cerita tu happen tnpa pgtahuan sylh, mse tu,sy akn senyap n hanye dpt memndg mereka tnpa memahami pape..haha~ 4. ske kwn dgn boys coz dieorg best. although, kdg2 sentaplh jugk dgn dieorg..lgpun, senang nk pnjm moto. weee~ 3.peramah yes in the sense of senang berceloteh. sorylh ye kpd mangsa2 ...

day 1

Ten things you want to say to different people:  10. i'm sory coz i hurt you 9. 3 words.. 8. bila kita nk lepak sama2 lg? 7. boleh x kau jauhkn diri kau dr aku? mcm dh serik nk kwn dgn kau. 6. jom hang out? 5. pura-pura x nmpk jwpn exam sy yg slh, boleh x wahai examiners? 4. mcm mne korg jd tinggi,huh? bkn dulu ketot je ke?  3. rindunya kt korang, erin n iqa!! 2 . seronoklah tgk awk mkn dgn bersungguh-sungguh. haha~ 1. sayang ibu,ayah,adik2, bff n semualh~ Your favorite song:  love song by big bang Actually, ade bnyk but yg tertulis is the latest.

10 n 30 days challenge

bile tgk kwn buat,  teringin nk buat~ so, since org kate buat sblm teringt2, so i will do diz challenge.. just for fun~  10 day challenge ni dibuat mcm ni:  Day One - Ten things you want to say to different people Day Two - Nine things about yourself Day Three - Eight ways to win your heart Day Four - Seven things that cross your mind a lot Day Five - Six things you wish you'd never done Day Six - Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever) Day Seven - Four turn offs Day Eight - Three turn ons Day Nine - Two smileys that describe your life right now Day Ten - One confession  meanwhile, 30 days plak: Day 1 — Your favorite song Day 2 — Your favorite movie Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date. Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend. Day 5 – How important you think education is? Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet. Day 7 – Your dream wedding. Day 8 – A song to match your mood. Day 9 – A photo of the item you ...


pd jam 7: 24 am,  sy tlh menerima 1 sms dr adik yg trtulis 'kakak, k.reen xciden', sy pun  dgn segera brtanyakn detail (sms jelh, kredit x cukup nk wat call)  k.reen dh dipindhkn dr hospital d selama ke kl, jd sy ingtkn nk tunggu family dtg ambik, bru g skali tp ibu suruh g dulu, so, sy pun brsiaplh.. alhamdulillah, smpai kt bilik k.reen, rupenye mama n abah (parents k.reen) dh smpai, mse tgk k.reen, teringt mse sy xcident dulu.. coz, seriusly,  kwsn k.reen cedera, sme dgn kwsn sy cedera.. so, sy pun tmn mama n abh tunggu abg iqbal (husband k.reen) a. iqbal smpai dgn family sy dlm kul 1.30 pm.. lepas family laen k.reen (that is along, k. ayu n abg shau) smpai, kami semua decide untuk singgh rumah along skjp  meanwhile, a. iqbal tmn k.reen (wajiblhkn, tu isteri die) kul 5.30 pm bru keluarga sy brtolak mghntr sy pulg..  seriusly, perasaan mse dpt sms: tolonglh jgn pape yg serius jd pd k.reen coz x nk hilg ahli keluarga lg.. bile dh tgk, brulh lega.. alh...


please let her stay with us, Allah!!!

i juz wanna

i juz wanna to lie down on my bed, and never move again, i juz wanna close my eyes, and never open them again, i juz wanna stop my brain from functioning, and never to think again, lastly, i juz wanna stop breathing, so that, i dun have to see this world again.... i'm so sorry, it's not anyone's faults.. it's juz that i'm tired of living in this world n there's a void in my heart... if anything happens to me, juz remember i love you with all my heart n i never wish for this to happen.... please forget me n get on with you live.. may you found your happiness.. i'm sorry for leaving you..  anonymous  sedih x bnde ni?  sy jumpe mse tgh blog hopping.. sy rse bdk ni tgh tertekan.. ntah hidup, ntah tidak hopefully,still hidup~ sy rse menarik,  so sy ambik n copy.. agaknye sbb tulh rmai teen bunuh diri ye? ( ececeh, msuk tjuk ldv plak,heheh~) setuju?!?

jatuh moto

for the first time d kampus, sy jatuh moto.. uh, still lg dlm keadaan shock.. paha yg lebam, n kasut yg terputus (bru tmpl smlm!!) kesian moto org.. x pelh, t sy byr kt tuan die balik.. soryyyyyyy~

ambik roomate

berjalan2 hilgkn kebosanan smbil menunggu flight roomate.. dpt jumpe family scott coz kiteorg ( dat is me, athi, ca'el n zahin) kuar sme2 scott dptlah tgk scott's sisters ( 4 girls)  syira nana mimi wina  wina sgtlh comellllllll!! yg mimi plak, sgt mnje dgn along die.. yg sy peliklah,  mimi sgt x ngam dgn ca'el y? coz dieorg ni ade je gaduh  yg ca'el ni, dgn bdk 6 thn pun die leh gduh ( =.=') next, mkn lunch with scott's family, then scott ikut family die.. while kiteorg memnjgkn lgkh ke mid.. tgk wyg 'flat 3A', syg, knape awk x ikut?!?  sy x de tmpt nk sorok muke (T^T) next time, kalau awk x de, sy x nk tgk cite hantu  oh fine, jgn nk kate sy mengade.. dieorg yg nk tgk cite tu ye.. kul 6, g kl sentral, ambik roomate, then low yatt roomate beli phone bru, sy pun survey phone bru wish bru:   blackberry style 9670   @    xperia arc weee~

majlis tilawah alquran

alhamdulillah, 1st time dpt tgk live, tp shockingly, just dgr bacaan 2 peserta je.. ingtkn kne dgr 5 org, bru leh balik.. rupenye 2 je.. bersyukurlah coz nk dgr 2 tu pun, mata dh tertutup... mebi yg buat lme coz today opening n ade bnyk persmbhn nasyid.. papepun, experience yg best. =D


dh mula menjelma... hbeslah~ tu je yg sy nk kata..


yeah,  hr ni g kuar with parent!! lwtn mengejut actually.. nasib baek memg tgh lepak dlm bilik coz bru lepas maen hujan =D oh, bestnye!! dh lme x maen hujan.. teringat zmn kecik2 asal hujan je, mesti berlari keluar dgn adik2 mandi hujan smbil tu, ambik upah basuh keta lumayan tau! ok, dh lari tajuk. g low yatt je pun gara2 charger notebook yg tetibe x nk hidup.. cislah~ nasib baek ade warranty, x perlu keluar duit. weeee~ pastu, trus g dinner.. so, now nie sedang berbahagia on9 bersama notebook n charger baru.  =D

ahli keluarga baru

ahaha~  sy dh tmbh sorg lg abg baru... nme : Cak Nong  umur: tua setahun status: not available bertambah lg keluarga. hooyeah !!


awak, sy tau awk dh penat dgn dunia ni. sy pun sme.. tp cubelah bertahan semampu yg boleh... sy tau bnde ni susah tp please, awak dh janji dgn sy sumthing n sy pegang janji awk tu smpai bila-bila


hari ni hujan lebat ~  tp ade 3 org yg payungkn sy .. terima kasih athie, ca'el n zahin, maaf dh nyusahkn kalian ...