
Showing posts from February, 2012


as much i want everything,  as much as i want everyone i love to stay with me, or  as much as i want the time to stop forever, that is just a wish  it might not be a reality but  might also become a reality. hopefully,  i'll get into Jannah, where here, everything is possible for me =) Aminnnn~


okay, BIG x brmaksud 'Big' as in besar, BIG stands for Bina Insan Guru~ ala-ala kem yg biasa prgi mse sek men dlu, tp ni khas untuk bakal guru-guru ni. insyaAllah, akan pergi minggu dpn, seminggu eh, kt perak lg tu. wohoo~ hahaha~ insyaAllah,  gmbr-gmbr akn diupload scpt boleh =)

# 11

sumber~ true enough~ u'll never see what's wrong with yourself, be it ur physical, emotions or even ur attitude n  this is when ur family n friends come in, they r the ones that will tell u the truth. so, try to accept it  n think that whatever the corrections they give to u, it's for YOUR OWN GOOD n FUTURE =)  so, thanx to my family n friends, for all ur corrections, because of ur advises and scoldings, i've become who i am today, n  i must admit, the 'me' now is not the 'me' i used to be. thanx from the bottom of my heart. =)


FEBRUARY=THUG Abstract thoughts.  Loves reality and abstract.  Intelligent and clever.  Changing personality.  Attractive.  sexiest out of everyone.  A real speed demon.  Has more than one best friend.  Temperamental.  Quiet, shy and humble.  Honest and loyal.  Determined to reach goals.  Loves freedom.  Rebellious when restricted.  Loves aggressiveness.  Too sensitive and easily hurt.  Gets angry really easily but does not show it.  Dislikes unnecessary things.  Loves making friends but rarely shows it.  Daring and stubborn.  Ambitious.  Realizing dreams and hopes.  Sharp.  Loves entertainment and leisure.  Romantic on the inside not outside.  Superstitious and ludicrous.  Spendthrift.  Tries to learn to show emotions.  is it true, februarians? for me, some of it are yes.  although i would like to stress that i a...


thanx guys n girls yg gave me their birthday wish. sgt appreciat it =) thanx to syg for da bear, i love it  n yes, hepi anniversary 1 yr =D thanx to athie for da flower, 1st time in life anis dpt flower mcm tu =) n also thanx for mereka yg pnat lelah buat surprise party~ sy gembira hari ni =)  now that i'm 20, dh x leh men2 lg.. dh kne jd matang n kne stdy hard.. tetibe x nk jd 20 tahun plak... xpelah.. dh smpai mse untuk grow, rite??? so,wish me luck in all my undertaking,eh? n thanx =)


i am not letting u go, once u become my family, u will ALWAYS be my family, wherever u are, whenever, and whatever u r doing... i'm going to miss u, ca'el.. pasni, dh x de org untuk sy buli =( xpe, ini ujian for u now. insyaAllah, u will arise once more like a phoenix, n will be greater than ever. walau ape pun yg u choose to do, my prayer will always be with u,  gud luck, bro~

hari menderma darah~

hari ni kt IPIK ada hari menderma darah, so, of course x kn lepas peluang untuk drma drh.. mse check dgn doc tu, die pndg ats bwh, then tanye berat brape.. jwb r 45. KOT~ hahaha~ die juz ltk 45 kg n allowed me to proceed to next station.. tp b4 tu, sy check balik brt.. guess wat? i short 1 kg.. still, alhamdulillah x de mslh spnjg menderma drh tu. weeeee~ eventhough muka pucat... alif  n syg pun drma jgk muka semangat sungguh (klakar je tgk~) siap ajak kwn2 len but athie plak len cerita, die beria-ria nk derma but x dpt coz she has an asthma, so doc x kasi dia derma.. xpelah athie, awk terima jelah drh org. ;P

miss lucky no 1~

guess what? i'm miss lucky no.1 "___________" presentation selama 15 min about parrot's communication serammmmmmmm~ but on the bright side, mase org laen tgh present, i will just chill + relax = chillax weeeee~  bad side:  too early stammer ( BIG possibility )  x pelah.. will juz do my best. insyaAllah, pray for me =)  I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), (attributed)

# 10

sumber~  me think it's sooo trueeeee~ hahaha~ 

pertunangan cuzin

alhamdulillah, selesai dh majlis tunang cuzin sy, buat k. Ita n abg Dafi, tema = purple (pihak perempuan) + pink (pihak laki) tahniah =) 


saya x berani nk ckp sy phm perasaan awk 100% sekarang,  dan sy pun x tau nk ckp apa pd awk skrg,  sbb sy x nk awk fikir itu simpati, tp sy berani jamin, insyaAllah, selagi boleh, selagi diberi kesempatan, sy sentiasa di sisi awk  dan akn trus menyokong awk =)  *provided bnde yg awk buat tu betul r


Selamat hari lahir buat Azizi Ismail n Nadiah Rusln, wahhhh, korang berdua dh 20 tahun.. hehe~ xpe2, jgn risau.. x lame lg, sy pun akn ikut kalian brdua. hahaha~ harapan sy: semoga Allah mengiringi setiap langkah kalian dgn rahmat apa yg kalian ingini tercapai dunia dan akhirat happy walau di mana shj kalian berada aminnn~