Nitya Sumanggali

teater tarian tnpa sepatah dialog..
it's about devadasi,
a girl(kalyana?!?) yg dikahwinkan dgn Tuhan Hindu,tinggal kat temple but kne 'serve' the temple's patron.
n 1 day, fell in love with a man 
(very nice looking, no offense to u, syg) 
which is a big NO
which in the end, she became batu (x phm part ni)
x kesah r..
yg penting ->
music yg agak berbeza
bharanatyam mashed up with contemporary music,
menyebabkn kaki sy x duduk senyap
coz ayik tapping ikut rentak music..
oh ye, mulut pun sama
asyik bg komen,
zahin pun 2 x 5 je dgn sy ( haha, sori zahin)

to syg,
sori sy asyik beri komen je,
x tenang awak nk tgk teater tu kan?
sori ye~ 

to zahin,
trauma aku dibuat kau, tahu!!


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