
ehhhh, silapppp.
my parent dh balik dr mesir.
terima kasih a. afiq,
cuzinku yg hensem lg macho,
kerana dh tlg anis jmput ibu + ayah,

y sy x jmput sndiri?
fobia ohhhh,
lpas TERlanggar kereta org,
x nk bwk keta dh,
hatta dlm kg sndiri.
serius fobia T.T

fawwaz + amri straight menangis lepas nmpk ibu + ayah. 
kakak2 dia buat muka cool je, 
kakak2 dh bsr,
harus jd tough. 
ceh, pdhl nk nanges tp thn air mata. haha~

souvenirs dr mesir: 
sy : 3 gorgeous shawl 
fizi: a PINK ice watch (hilarious) 
amri: chocolate ice watch 
nani: blue ice watch 
fawwaz: miniature aeroplane 
a gambus
tmpt hisap shisha 
boxes of chocolate
few huge buah delima 
and bnyk lg.
x larat nk list. 

these past 2 weeks were really an eye opener experience.
serius weyh,
bila ats bahu kita ada tanggungjawab nk jg 4 org adik,
yg masing2 berumur 15, 11, 8 n 5 tahun
n u r the only adult (20) in the house,
mse tulah akn bljr bnyk bnda,
bljr on how to make decisions,
on how to handle siblings,
making sure they are safe, their wherebouts,
on how to divide ur time wisely,
yadda, yadda, yadda

berat bahuuuu T.T
mse ni bru sdar brtnya tanggungjwb ibu + ayah,
this is an experience that i'm hoping not to repeat anytime sooner.

thanx ibu for the shawl,
they were really gorgeous =)


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