I'm coming back?

Almost 10 months of not opening this blog. Love to surf and find new blogs to be read but  IRL, I haven't even read them for months. It's like the blog years are coming to an end. People prefer Instagram more. My excuse would be busy when the truth is I am too lazy. Example, I have works but I prefer to read books. That's laziness. Cause I can leave the important work and yet can choose the books. that's pure laziness, my friend. Please set your priorities, miss. You claimed you have a lot of works but refuse to finish it. Then you wake up wayyy early in the morning (Read: 3 a.m.) to finish them. You know you don't like it when you ask for your kids' works but they didn't finish it. Do what you preach, okay, girl?

To tell the truth, I am not too keen to open the laptop, find the internet line and open the blog. Not that keen on fb too. Most of the time, I opened twitter for news and Instagram to keep up with friends' lives. Other time, I'd be on my bed, procrastinating, reading book. 

Talking about books, when I found out that Jemari Seni may closed their doors, my heart kept telling me to go and buy any books that caught my eyes but I couldn't all those year. However since I am fussy when it comes to book, I prefer to go to physical bookstore and buy said novels. In the end, it will be months before I even buy any novels. But knowing they are going to close prompted me to serve their online website and choose all I want. The total of purchase: RM300 for 12 novels and delivery fee. I felt very satisfied. So, I'll spend months reading em. When the time comes, I'll pass it to my children nor someone in the family. 

Living a hermit life. Only went out to school or home. Once in a blue moon, will meet up with Mr.I. I've always wanted to go and meet with friends. Countless promise but I never did find the time ti meet them. The calendars are full of family or work events. Plus, I still have curfew. Don't laugh. I may be 26 but I have curfew. Cause my parents know how adventurous I am. I may have short leg but I can walk far. Heee. For all the promises to come and visit said friends, may Allah grant me forgiveness. Insyallah, will spend this November and December fulfilling the promises. insyallah.

Travelling is non existent. 4 years gone by and no new marks on the passport. The self-promise to travel every year continues to stay as a promise. Money problem? Yes. Too many wishes but no means to make it real. This year is family year. If Allah willing, the whole family will spend time to Mecca, Medina and Egypt. Yes, to perform Hajj. At first, I am reluctant. I wanted to use all the money to travel somewhere else. My sister pujuk me. She said, it won't be the same. Travelling with other people will never be the same with your own family. And the chance to perform Hajj, may never come again. Therefore, I decided to postpone the travelling for the year. Next year, I'm going to Kashmir. It's a promise between me and my sister. So, yeah. please wait for the pics.
That's all for now. I'll share some stories later. 


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