
Showing posts from January, 2013


semalam, dpt berita.  after a week of fever,  ibu bwk nani pergi klinik,  dr ckp, she wasn't a suspect of denggi / malaria / anything else  jd, doktor suggest pergi KPJ, Seremban.  nani ditahan di wad.  today, doktor ambik sampel darah n buat ujian x-ray.  the result shows that her left lungs was full with mycoplasma  bacteria.  so, kne msuk wad.  her fever turun naik.  bergegas lawat nani as soon as kelas hbes.  she looked really weak.  but the nurse said if she consistently takes her medicine, she be ok!! aminnn~ hopefully, you'll be ok, nani.  syg kau  walau kdg kau annoyed kakak. 

# 46

there must be a reason as to why your heart is not calm,  and there must be a reason as to why you can't be who you used to be before, think carefully and you will get the clue. you need time for you to rise once again, if you want to cry, go ahead.  let the negativity flow away and you will be relieved.  when you are down, it means that you know your heart needs refills.  maybe your heart is filled with unneeded things.  so, you need to clear out the junks and fills it in with something beneficial. examples: pray, fasting, read quran or istighfar.  we human are strong and we certainly will be able to fight ourselves.  may Allah protect you and grant you the meaningful life and grant you the highest paradise.  we aim high so that we end up still in paradise.  aminnn~ Dina Dinaso, 2013  24/1, 9.54pm 


goodbye miming, we love you.. rest in peace... yup,  miing dh x de.. dpt berita ni ptg td,  around 6.30pm from ibu.. ibu x sure either miming hilang / kne mkn with anjing. but for me, since he had been missing for 5 days, i knew he was dead. if you knew him, you would know that he will always come home everyday, and whenever he goes out, he will wait for ibu and my siblings at our front door. so, knowing him and deep in my heart, i can feel that he wasn't with us anymore.. bye miming.. thanx for da happy time you've given to me and the others..

maulidur rasul~

salam maulidur rasur buat semua~~ tringat waktu mse still sekolah lg.. akan ada sambutan maulidur rasul. semua pelajar akn brkumpul di Mufaz (Musollafatul Fatimah Az-Zahra), selawat dgn guru- guru, then berarak smpai dewan mkn.  dh berarak, pergi dewan mkn n ambik dulang mknan. yup, dulang mknan yg besar tu. then, mkn ramai2.  seronok tau~ mse tu rse ukhuwah yg kuat. bknlh nk ckp yg hari-hari biasa tu x de rse ukhuwah, tp bila mkn sedulang ni, perasaan tu jd lagi kuat.. i think dat's y,  walau dh 3 tahun kiteorg trpisah, kiteorg still ingt each other.  akan tercari2 / tertanya2 kt mana kwn2 berada, walaupun mse sekolah dlu x rapat. eh, lari topik plak. pd sy, maulid rasul ni untuk kita ingat nabi kita, n bkn je pd satu hari ni shj  but also during any other days too. n whenever we remember our prophet, selawatlah. insyaAllah, kita akn dpt bnyk pahala =)

to you,

i miss you. haven't heard your voice, nor your messages. i wonder what had happened between us.. whatever it is, please remember this. i love you, with all my heart, n i pray that we will talk n meet soon. take care n forgive me for my wrongdoings..


goshhh,  bila dh blek rumah sewa, bru sdar betapa rindunya diri ini trhadap rumah 1 brsama dgn ahli2 rumahnya. rumah 1 as in rumah keluargalah.. rindu dgn adik2 yg brmcm - mcm karenah. sorg dgn kucing, dua org dgn game GTA San Andreas, btol ke eja? xkesahlh sorg lg dgn moto. of cozlah, rindu dgn ibu, ayah + adik sue yg nun jauh pun ada.  padahal, bru 3 minggu x blek.  haa, cuba bygkn org sabah + sarawak??? sbb tulah, kne hargai mse dgn famili.. x kesahlah se'annoying' mne pun ahli keluarga anda, x pyh nk buat aktiviti elaborate sgt mcm nk cuti g korea ke pe ke, cukup skdr borak2 wktu tgk tv. paling kurang, anda berborak.  keluarga ni penting.  kawan, bila2 boleh cari. keluarga, x leh tukar gnti. walau kdg2 bile tgh gduh rse mcm nk tukar je dgn org len. haha~

# 45

Usah beri peluang pada kepenatan fizikal dari tugas-tugas harian  melemahkan rohanimu,  mencemari fikiranmu,  atau  biar ia melalaikanmu dari mendekatkan diri pada Allah, sentiasa gilap niat,  sangka baik padaNya (berfikiran positif), biar kepenatan fizikal itu  kepenatan yang disukai Allah,  ia adalah hasil dari ibadah bersungguh-sungguh  untuk tabungan akhirat.  Kesibukan seharusnya menjadi peluang  untuk kita lebih dekat pada Allah.  Kerana peluang berbakti lebih banyak. Maka hasilnya adalah seorang mukmin yang produktif serta proaktif. Keuntungan dikaut di dunia dan untuk di dunia yg kekal.  Bijak.  Dina Dinaso, 2013


alhamdulillah, air kt blok 12 ni dh ada dr pg td. dptlh sy membasuh bju yg membukit ini.  hopefully,  air ni trus ada smpai bila - bila. aminnnn~  mksudnya, x trputus - putus,  kjap ada, kjap x de =D n hopefully i will always remember to conserve the water well.  amin, insyaAllah~

# 44

Feeling down often creates the tendency to look down upon yourself (that is caused by syaitan),  you may have many negative thoughts and assumptions,  which pulls negative energy towards you,  no no,  we need positive energy to move on,  we are muslims with clear life objectives,  we must not let ourself down easily,  try to look up at the sky,  looking up to find strength,  then prostrate-on to your knees to find peace,  then pray with any means,  with any words which describes your immediate needs and hope for the best from Allah. perhaps being used to look down makes us forget to look up.  Look up for Allah and look up and yourself,  you can do beyond what you think you might.  Trust me. Dina Dinaso, 2012 

ming ming~

ohhhh,  rindu miming~~~ tp miming x rndu tuan die langsung. hahaha~ miming memg x prnah rndu pun.  dia lg bahagia duduk kt kg tu. yelah, ada makwe dia,  ada kwn ( anak ayam + lembu + anak kambing )  ada ibu, ada katil yg empuk jgk.  manalah dia nk blek Cheras ni. hahaha~ 

sanah helwa~

buat amin,  selamat hari lahir yg ke 21!!!!   semoga pnjg umur, murah rezeki, berjaya dunia n akhirat, langkah diredhai Allah n moga kekal gembira selalu =)

x de air~

air dh 2 minggu x de kt umah sewa.. asyik on, off je. dh jd mcm apa plak. nseb baek de air tangki statik + lori air, dpt jgklh simpan air dlm baldi. perghh, memg mncabar mengangkut berbaldi - baldi air naek tgkt 2, nasib baek rumah tgkt 2, kalau tgkt len??? huwaahhhh T.T advantage wktu x de air ni: 1. naik muscle kt tgn. 2. kuruskn bdn. ahahaha~~ yelah, turun naik, turun naik angkat air dr lori air. but the disadvantage: bahu sakit x trkata~~~ time cmnilah, nk kne sedar betapa air tu penting.  x de air,  nk mndi susah, nk msk susah, nk bsuh bju susah, nk buat perkara rutin pun susah, pendek kata, perkara yg kita take for granted dh jd satu perkara yg susah pula. haaa,  nnt bila dh air,kne beringat ni. x boleh membazir air. hopefully, pihak Syabas leh settlekn ASAP. aminnn~~


kepada ibu, Ashikin binti Mohd Hashim, SELAMAT HARI LAHIR!!  terima kasih sbb dh jd ibu kakak selama 20 tahun ni, terima kasih sbb dh sayang kakak selama 20 tahun ni, terima kasih untuk segalanya.. doa kakak, ibu trus pnjg umur, trus murah rezeki n diredhai Allah selalu.  kakak syg ibu.  xoxoxo, kakak =)

selamat tahun baru!!

Assalamualaikum~  selamat tahun baru 2013~ oh wow, x sangka dh msuk tahun bru, rse sekejap sgt. bila dh msuk tahun bru, umur pun makin meningkat, tanggungjawab pun dh makin berat.  oh well, pape pun kita kne buat yg terbaek~~ mcm biasa, bila sebut psl tahun baru, msti nk tnye psl azam baru. hurm,  for me, my azam baru would be:  to get 3.8 for my CGPA to try cook as many recipes as i can spend as many times as i can with my family  stop procrastinating assignments + homeworks + notes   insyaAllah, i will try my best to fulfill my hopes.  aminnn~  so peeps,  happy new year!!!