selamat tahun baru!!

selamat tahun baru 2013~

oh wow,
x sangka dh msuk tahun bru,
rse sekejap sgt.
bila dh msuk tahun bru,
umur pun makin meningkat,
tanggungjawab pun dh makin berat. 
oh well, pape pun kita kne buat yg terbaek~~

mcm biasa,
bila sebut psl tahun baru,
msti nk tnye psl azam baru.
for me,
my azam baru would be: 
to get 3.8 for my CGPA
to try cook as many recipes as i can
spend as many times as i can with my family 
stop procrastinating assignments + homeworks + notes  

i will try my best to fulfill my hopes. 

so peeps, 
happy new year!!!


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