i juz wanna

i juz wanna to lie down on my bed,
and never move again,
i juz wanna close my eyes,
and never open them again,
i juz wanna stop my brain from functioning,
and never to think again,
i juz wanna stop breathing,
so that, i dun have to see this world again....
i'm so sorry,
it's not anyone's faults..
it's juz that i'm tired of living in this world
n there's a void in my heart...
if anything happens to me,
juz remember i love you with all my heart
n i never wish for this to happen....
please forget me n get on with you live..
may you found your happiness..
i'm sorry for leaving you.. 
sedih x bnde ni? 
sy jumpe mse tgh blog hopping..
sy rse bdk ni tgh tertekan..
ntah hidup, ntah tidak
hopefully,still hidup~
sy rse menarik, 
so sy ambik n copy..
agaknye sbb tulh rmai teen bunuh diri ye? ( ececeh, msuk tjuk ldv plak,heheh~)


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