1st ramadhan

subject: social studies (ss) with mr m~ =D which mean boleh lepak2.. haha~

sahur x bgn langsung,
jenuh ain (roomate) kejut.. 
sy x kn bgn melainkn dikejut gne kaki..
memang liat, sejak kecik lg..
sbb tu, ibu akn tnye dulu nk sahur ke x..
n selalunya, 

this is the 7th yr puasa without my family beside me,
well, dieorg semua kt pontian,
celebrating 1 ramadhan with mak tok.. (T.T)
nak balik....
x dpt balik bcoz of forum..
untunglh org yg dpt balik....
x pelh, next week sy nk balik!
by hook or by crook, i dun care! 
go Anis!!!!


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