
prnh x rse geram yg TERAMAT bile pe yg kita ckp org wat men2~
mesti prnhkn?!?
sy plg kurg brminat ble org wat cmni...
kita ckp punyalh serius,
tp die wat men2,
ha, boleh nek angin jdnye...
tlglh, awk leh je nk men2
tp make sure dl pe yg org nk ckp tu serius or x,
kdg2, bcoz of sikap awk yg ske ambik x serius tulh,
yg membuatkn kdg2 sy mls nk bgtau awk papepun...
xpelh,t sy ajar awk 1 new thing:
"how to know wether i'm dead serious or not."
hehe~ :)

p/s: it's not u or athie,syg. so dun worry~


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