
hari ni ada kejohanan tenis tertutup,
since kiteorg maen beregu,
jd 27 /2,
ade trlebih seorg tnpa partner(that's me) 
the one handling the game schedule decided to partner me with mr.Mutallip @our tennis coach
i was so, so, so shocked.
but yeah, partnered with the coach got me 2nd place XD
but no thanks to me.
i'm not dat good with tennis
i ended up running mr. M ragged.
pity him.
also,i ended up getting scolded by him.
sy memg slalu pukul bola kuat bgai nk pukul org.
heee XD 
congratulations to the committee, 
though you only had 2 days to organise it,
you'd done it really well =) 


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