review: istanbul, aku datang

exceeded my expectation.
i thought it would be those mushy2, nonsense, typical cheesy msian romance movie,
i was wrong.

plot cerita still typical, 
in a way,
a girl (Dian), 
cheated by her loved, trusted guy (Azad),
n met another annoying but sweet guy (Haris),
in the end decided to choose the said annoying but sweet guy.

but i don't know,
there's something special to this movie.
this movie managed to make me go from
"ewww" to "awww" to "u, cheating guy. u'll regret it!!!" to "awww,sweeet" again.

the "eww" part is ble tgk how dat girl beria-ria dtg istanbul juz coz she wanted her bf to propose her,
the "aww" part would be mse she struggled by herself cri umah sewa, register for her courses smpai kne tpu,
no thanks to the so-called bf.

kalau dh part "u, cheating guy. u'll regret it!!!",
rsenya dh leh teka kot.
yup, the bf cheated with gadis istanbul.
yg klakarnya,
gne alasan
"i'm lonely, my family n u jauh"
then mse nk pujuk blek Dian tu smpai sggup ikut blek msia,
leh plak gne alasan "kn bnyk course medical kt msia tu."

eh, hellloooooo,
dh tau sunyi awt mse awal2 x buat kt msia je?
kan bnyk course medical kt msia tu. (quoting azad)
dun get me wrong,
leh phm yg stdy at overseas is new, amazing experiences,
but since it's ur own choice,
knelh jd brave, kuatkn smgt,
jgn gne alasan lonely tu untuk curang ur loved ones.

part "awww,sweeet" plak is mse Haris pujuk Dian dgn ckp mcm ni,
"Sy x prlukn peluang kedua. sy cme prlukn 1 peluang shj. ..."
actually, pnjg lg. tp x ingt. sweet sgt, i dh cair mcm marshmallow. heee XD 

overall, i'll rate 3 1/2 out of 5 =)


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