ss +puppet show + softball = satisfaction!!

hari yg agk menggembirakan

ss :
  •  oral presentation dh hbes 
  • mdm m said she likes our picture with me n rekha in it (shocked the 4 of us)
n dat made me menari with happiness!!

puppet show pula: 
  • draft = kne edit sedikit
  • groupwork = mlm esok kne bincg 
softball :
  • dtg awl with su,ambik altn 
  • gilir2 with k.rina pukul bola smbil membygkn muka org yg kami marah (lega dh!)
  • buat lthn pitching 
  • jwb quiz softball dlm group (me,k.rina, nana n abg)  
overall, my day is filled with happiness (^.^) coz asyik bergelak dr pg until ptg walau in da middle of be4 ss presentation, g pujuk org yg tgh menangis but helping her made me happy!


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