funny story

well, i know i haven't write in such a long time,
trust me, 
i have thousand things i wanna write about,
it's juz that i am tooo lazy. hahaha~
fyi, i am doing my phase 2 practicum in a school at Setapak. 
it had been 4 weeks, but like i said, wayyyy toooo lazyyyy to write, 
so sorryyyy~

i wanna share about this one boy,
he's 10 years old, which in Malaysian education system would meant year 4 @ grade 4,
he is very cute but very cheeky tooo.
ok, i think this "freaky occurrences" started during a raya celebration at this school,
he asked me for selfies so many times,
so, i accommodated him just to avoid from him bugging me, 
but nowadays, 
whenever he comes into the staffroom,
he would do a detour to my table, 
said "Miss ni cutelah" @ "Miss is cutelah", 
then continue his way to the destination.
and i was like "whateheck is the problem with this boy? =_="
then, when he saw my practicum partner, he would smile and wave. 
goshhh, bdk ni freaky gilaaa!!
1 day, when he was in the staffroom, he decided that he would want us both.
for what, i don't know. 
so, both me n my practicum partner, decided to play with him.
i said, 'u cn only choose 1. if u choose me, miss A would ignore you. if u choose her, i would ignore u.'
he still wanted the two of us. gosh, so greedy n freaky. 
i insisted that he can only choose 1. 
so, he decided to choose me. 
hahahahaha~ gila freak bdk ni.
*banggalh jgk coz slama ni org choose my prac partner as she's more beautiful than me. but then, aku jd takut coz bdk ni mcm gatal.
juz now, i had the chance to be a substitute teacher for this boy's class. 
he became like a hero for me. 
he carried my things,
when his friends made noises, he would yell for them to keep quiet so that i cn talk. 
really, he's quite adorable. but the way he kept on saying,'miss ni cute' is freaky too. 
plus, he tried to hug me. 
pergh, nasib smpt buat gaya alah2 bersilat. kalau x, goshh~~~~
tu punnn, smpt je dia tarik tgn, salam, cium tgn n blah. 
trgamam sbntr wktu tu =.='

haiyoo, si kecik, pleaselah. 
miss suka awk excited psl kami ckgu praktikum yg comel (cough) n cantik (double cough)... 
but jgn jd overexcited.. 
i get scared, ok.hahahaha

p/s: i haven't had a good week, bcoz of stress psl supervisor yg ntah dtg / x n a lil bit of personal problem. but yeah, bdk ni buat aku gelak + m strong. i'll be fine =)


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