Who says being a trainee teacher is a piece of cake?

That is a biggggg fattttt lieeeeee
Seriously people, think well before you ever choose to be a teacher.
If you have the passion, and the patience,
Then go for it.
But I would say 40% passion and 60% of patience are required.
No kidding people.
I love the kids, I seriously do BUTTTT they can drive you up the wallll!!!!
When I first entered the system, I seriously thought I would be teaching the secondary school.
Little did I know that I was actually entering the primary school programme.
Never mind, I’ll strive and do better. One year and I’ll be a teacher!!
Well, that’s a nice thought. Maybe.
Watch out kids, I am no ordinary miss.
Me being the oldest of 6 has given me enough time to practice my voice projection and my glare.

Beware or you’ll suffer!!!
muahahahahahaha* evil laugh 


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